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Norway’s official websites abroad

Norway: Asylum seekers can be returned to Russia

Последнее обновление: 28.10.2015 // This week the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security introduced new guidelines regarding the processing of asylum applications from persons who travel from Russia to Norway.

According to Norwegian regulations, asylum seekers who travel to Norway after residing in a country where they already had protection or could seek protection can be rejected without an ordinary asylum examination. The new guidelines require that the Directorate of Immigration in all cases and immediately after the application has been registered, considers whether the person concerned should be returned to Russia. In addition, other asylum seekers who travel to Norway from Russia and are likely to be rejected will be fast tracked.  

Norway and Russia have a readmission agreement from 2007. The Agreement allows Norway to return third country nationals to Russia if the person concerned has a visa or a legal permit in Russia. Asylum seekers with a Russian visa or residence permit must therefore be prepared for a prompt return to Russia.