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Norway’s official websites abroad

Small Grants recipients 2013 announced

Sist oppdatert: 24.07.2013 // The Embassy is pleased to announce that more than 200 applications were received and underwent the competitive selection process. The organizations below became the winners of the Small Grants Programme 2013. The winners from three Central Asian countries will start the project implementation from August 2013 and complete it within one year.



  1. S.F. Aurora, television project «Our stories».


  1. Ursula Gelis, project «Crisis center (women’s house) for women and children suffering from domestic violence. Education about radiation».





  1. O.O. Jash-Muun, project «Creating opportunities for the mountain region residents of Kyrgyzstan to have a decent work and life by eco-tourism».


  1. Semenovskiy orphanage, project «Master».





  1. O.O. Sapeda, project «Capacity-building for cross-border trade between women».


  1.  P.O. Tourism Development Centre, project «Women’s entrepreneurship as a mechanism for financial stability and welfare».