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Collaboration between Norway and the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of energy efficiency

Sist oppdatert: 27.11.2013 // The main results of the successful Norwegian-Kazakh cooperation in the field of energy efficiency was presented by Ambassador Ole Johan Bjørnøy at the III International Conference “Housing and utilities infrastructure of the Republic of Kazakhstan; challenges, solutions and prospects” in Astana on the 22nd of November 2013

The first bilateral Norwegian-Kazakh cooperation programme on energy efficiency was implemented in the period from 2002 to 2008, with most of the activities conducted in Almaty. The second programme was implemented in the period from 2011 till end of 2013, with most of the activities conducted in Astana.

The cooperation programmes have resulted in a substantial number of valuable results, including:

  • Establishment and development of Almaty Centre of Energy Efficiency and Cleaner Production, in 2013 the first accredited Energy Auditing company in Kazakhstan;
  • Training of more than 200 experts in energy efficiency in buildings, industry and municipal energy efficiency planning, incl. training of trainers;
  • Inclusion of new topics related to Energy Auditing of Buildings into the Curriculum of several Universities;
  • Provision of a number of University guest lectures;
  • Publishing of Textbooks related to Energy Auditing of Buildings;
  • Provision of guidance and support to the development of secondary legislation related to energy efficiency in the building sector;
  • Contributions to increased awareness and knowledge by presentations at a large number of seminars, conferences and workshops.

The cooperation programmes have been supported and implemented together with several key Kazakh stakeholders, including the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, KazakhEnergoExpertiza, Kazakhstan Housing and Communal Sector Reform Centre (ZhKH Centre), National Chamber of ZhKH, Kazakhstan Agrotechnical University and Almaty University of Power Engineering & Telecommunications.

The Norwegian-Kazakh cooperation in the field of energy efficiency is very well recognised, received and appreciated by key Kazakh stakeholders, and it has been confirmed that Norway has provided substantial and varied contributions. The Norwegian programmes have complemented other international cooperation and support programmes.