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Norway’s official websites abroad

Celebrating the Århus Convention and discussing Green Economy

Фото: OSCE.Фото: OSCE

Sist oppdatert: 02.07.2013 // The 23 and 24 June the Norwegian Embassy in Astana coorganized a national high level conference on environmental footprints of energy-related activities.

"Like Kazakhstan, Norway is a sparsely-populated, energy-producing nation with a harsh climate. I therefore believe there are mutual benefits to be reaped from sharing our experience in reducing the environmental footprint of energy-activities." the Norwegian First Secretary, Victor Jensen, said in his opening remarks. He continued to highlight the three areas where the three participating Norwegian companies are already involved in Kazakhstan.

Carbon Limits is helping with the establishment of a Kazakh Trading Emissions System that with time can be linked to the European System. Energy Savings International (ENSI) provides guidance in preparing legal and technical documents for the building sector in Kazakhstan and training for local experts in energy efficiency. The Norwegian Veritas (DNV) is assisting Kazakhstan in implementing a risk-based safety regime in the Caspian Sea in line with international maritime standards and regulations

Organized by the OSCE Centre in Astana in co-operation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Supreme Court, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kazakhstan and National Aarhus Centre, the event brought together more than 160 government officials, parliamentarians, foreign and local businessmen, experts from academia, and representatives from international and non-governmental organizations.

The speakers talked about new technologies and shared best practices in several fields of green economy, such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, low-carbon development, environment-friendly industries and public participation in environmental governance.

The two-day OSCE conference also marked the 15th anniversary of the Aarhus Convention on environmental democracy. The Norwegian embassy has been a supporter of the Aarhus centers for several years, working with capacity building and providing knowledge of people's environmental rights in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.